Saturday, August 15, 2009

Payment schedule

Last year, when I only had 3 students, I gave the parents an invoice by the 3rd week of the month. Thankfully, when Muriel was here she gave me a different idea of how to collect the money.
There are 68 lessons in the school year. If you are charging $15.00 per lesson that is $1020 per year. She told me this should be devided into 9 equal payments for Sept. to May. The lessons go into June a bit, but there is no payment for that month. This makes 9 equal payments of $113.00 per month. I was nervous about telling the parents this as it was not what I had told them when they first phoned me. I wrote it all up on a sheet of paper to give to the parents in a very professional manner and they all thought it was a great idea.
Just to make collecting even easier I asked for post-dated cheques. All parents except one gave me post-dated cheques. One parents says that she only uses cash so I said ok, as long as she is always a month ahead.
The other idea that my daughter presented was to give a discount if they pay the whole year in advance. I had 3 people utilize this option.

Free Phonics Camp-Huge success

The phonics camp went better than I ever dreamed it could. I had kids booked every hour during the day, 08:30-5:30 (10 minutes between each and 1/2 hr. for lunch). On the second day I decided to move 1 child earlier and 1 later into different groups so I actually had an extra hour free in the afternoon. The Sunday before it all started I began to have butterflies that maybe I had booked way too many kids. As it turned out it was fine. I had classes with 1, 2 and 4 kids in them. (Depending on the need and/or ability) 18 kids each day.
The purpose of the free camp was simply to get the word out into the community, that purpose was fully realized. I have now got 17 kids booked, with down payments paid for Sept. I actually have 2 kids that have paid the whole year in advance.
Another benefit from the free camp was that I was able to see how some kids behaved in a tutoring session and also what level they are at. This will save me some time, in the fall, getting going at their level.
I struggled deciding what to do with all the time that I would have to fill every day. I didn't want to get into the FFP reading program too fully as that could put them ahead of others that are going to be in their class is Sept. I finally decided to read them a few pages from a book each day and then get the kids to make their own book during the week, one page each day. That was a great way to fill at least 20 minutes each day. I chose a book about sharks, with the main character being a girl. This made the book appeal to the boys and the girls. The rest of the hour I spent learning the FFP song and playing games with the picture cards. For the older kids I focused on the "standing and sitting clowns" as I thought that would benefit all the kids whether they were coming here in the fall or not.
Now that I am starting to get the word out I am hoping it will be easier to get a full enrolment next year. As successful as this phonics camp was, it was still a ton of work (and some money) for me. Of course I am thinking of next year and how to keep this mementum going. I hope that I won't have to do another free camp but I may just offer it for 4 year olds if I need it.