Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More about letter u

We are focusing on listening to the middle sound of the word for this lesson.
Write some 3 letter words on a white board.  Say the word very slowly without showing it to your child.  See if they can hear the middle sounds.
Give them a strip of paper with all the clowns printed on it.  spaced out 1 inch between each.
Give them a clothespin.  They put the clothes pin on the clown that they hear.
When they have decided which clown they hear, show them the written word.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Letter U.

Do the  preliminaries: song, u. story, pick out u pictures, upper case about u. Rhyming song about u.
We are going to concentrate on the sound of "u" in a word.  Be sure to do the action of putting both arms up in the air to resemble the letter u and say "uh".
1)  Write words on a whiteboard one at a time.
      sun.  emphasize the uh in the middle
      gum, mug,bun, each time put your hands in the air for the letter u.

2)  Read a story with a "u".  THE UGLY DUCKLING, FARMER UPSY DAISY

3)  Use playdough and a plasstic knife to make a long snake and make it into a "u".  Have your child trace       over it with a finger.

4)  Mailbox game.
     Use a large envelope or in some way make 2 houses with a slit in the front of it to drop cards into.  Put a letter "u" on the front of one house and a letter "a" on the other.  Have pictures  of things that start with u or a and have them "mail" them to the correct house.

5)  Bean bags.   Use the back of a floor mat or in some way make a game board that your child can throw a bean bag at.  Depending on the level of the child use either 3 letter words or just the alphabet.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Letter T

Be sure to do all the preliminaries
1. Alphabet Song
2. Discuss all the items that start with r in the picture.
3.  Upper case Book
4.  Child uses their finger to trace the upper and lower case letters on the page.
5.  Rhyme about T
.Dave got up to turn off the tap
Turn off the tap
Turn off the tap
Dave got up to turn off the tap
t a p spells tap.
6. Put down a letter p on the floor.
    "what does it sound like"?
    letter "a" on the floor
   What does it sound like?
   Put them together - spells ap.
   Put a t in front of it  - it spells tap.
   Change the first letter to spell cap, map, zap, gap, nap lap and sap.
7.Put these words on the floor. (written on small cardstock).  Have your child drive down the road and read the words as they come to them.
8. Print out all those words, cap, nap etc as well as all the rhyming words for Pop.
    Have two headings at the top of your workspace.   Op and ap.
    We are trying to get the child to see the whole word, they need to put the word under the correct heading.
9. Play "slap"  Put all the alphabet on the table.  Working in small groups, a caller says a letter - the first child to slap their hand on the letter gets to keep it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Letter S

Start with the usual preliminaries.  Alphabet song, read about letter s, look for items in the picture that start with s.  Read about upper case S, trace the s with your finger on the book, upper and lower case.  Sing the Rhyming song about S.  (Mary had a little lamb)
The snake slipped away and Dave felt sad,
Dave felt sad,
Dave felt sad,
The snake slipped away and Dave felt sad.  s a d spells sad.

Play some games that use the rhyming words for sad: bad, had, pad, Dad, lad, fad and mad.
Make 2 of each word and play the memory game, hide one word around the room and have your child find it.
Read a book that has an s in the title.
Use finger paint to make an S.
Play bingo with 3 letter words.
Play the Upper case song and have your child draw each letter on a white board. (correctly)
Use plastic Easter eggs:  Hide a plastic letter s inside one.  Have your child guess which egg the s is hiding in.
Practice printing the letter s on paper.
Game: What is my favourite clown.
      Say a word    Bat.  Have the child guess which clown is in this word.
Read another story book that contains an S

Monday, February 4, 2013

More for letter R

Put out the colours mentioned in this poem (paint, felt markers or crayons).  Use a lower case r that you have cut out of cardstock.  Have your child colour the r by starting at the top go to the bottom back up and around the curve at the top.

Rainbow purple, rainbow blue,
Rainbow green and yellow too,
Rainbow orange, rainbow red,
Rainbow smiling overhead.
Come and count the colours with me
How many colours can you see?