Friday, June 19, 2009

Getting the word out.

Pretty much no one in this town has ever heard of Fun Family Phonics. How could I make at least 12 people believe in me and sign up their kids for next fall? My two students were done and I had no more leads.
I turned 60 this spring and I had already decided to take the month of August off so that I could collect CPP. I came up with the idea that maybe I should do a free phonics camp for one week, that way they would see how great the program is and then sign up their child. I think what gave me the idea is that I did a Summer camp for my first two boys last summer and at the end of one week the mom's comment was," I can't believe how much he has learned in one week."
About the same time that I made this decision, I was talking to the director of one of the biggest daycares in town and she told me that if I made up some flyers she would send one home with each of the children in her daycare.
I made up 1000 flyers and then proceeded to try to hand them out. I would like to share with you a few of the places that I passed them out. I first thought of going door to door and put them in peoples mail boxes but I realized that would take way too much time and perhaps not even get to homes that had children. Every preschool and daycare in town took my flyers and gave them to the kids. I still had a lot left so I started attending all the soccer games and tball games with my grandson and passing them out to the parents.
Because this is something free for children I have been able to advertise free in a lot of places that normally would have said "no " to me. I managed to get it on the community T.V. channel and in both our local newspapers in the free community announcements.
I only have about 200 flyers left so I have decided to go to the Canada Day parade downtown and put them in the windshields of all the cars.
At this point I have only got 2 spots left in the free camp. I have 5 kids signed up for the fall. These people have given me their $50.00 deposit so hopefully that means they will come. I have asked everyone that is coming to the free camp to come to my house and fill out a registration form. That way I am able to show them around my new room and give them a bit of a tour of the program. I then show them my fall schedule and tell them that if they want a choice time they should sign up now. There is so little time to fit kids in afterschool that I at this moment have already got 2 people wanting the same time
I will keep you posted for more ideas of how to advertise a new business on a shoestring.

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