Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reading by Color by Helen Irlen

I have recently been introduced to a book called Reading by the Colors by Helen Irlen. She is presenting an idea that I have never heard of, that some children have difficulty reading because of the way that they preceive the written page. It is not a vision problem, it is a perceptual problem.
Some children get frustrated when they read for more that 5 minutes, they can never seem to get comfortable, they wiggle and try to get diff. positions. Reading becomes something they would rather avoid and this affects so many others things. Since they can't read, they may try music to the same end, they can't see the music score. Or, they may try sports but if it involves catching a ball they would probably miss it.
Helen Irlen has discovered that some children have double vision, dyslexia and other reading disabilites. For some the words move around on the page or look double or run like rivers. She has discovered that if the children look through an overlay of a certain colour. (different for all) the page becomes clear to them.
One of my students that will be coming to tutoring is going to be wearing a green filter pair of glasses. I will keep you posted how it turns out.

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