Saturday, June 20, 2009

School boards do not support home tutoring in Phonics

June 20,09

I wanted to mention that I took posters into the schools in town, I was not greeted with much enthusiasim. The principal said that I would need to get permission from the school board. I went to the school board office and the secretary was away. The girl that was filling in for her said that she would pass the request along but that it should be no problem, it looked like such a good idea.
After one week the school board phoned me and said they hadn't decided yet, this would have to go to someone with higher authority. After not hearing from them for another two weeks I finally phoned them and I was told "sorry". She mumbled something about it being part of their curriculum.
I was tempted to write into the heros and zeros in the paper to complain about the whole issue. I decided after some consultation with my family that instead of complaining about it I would be proactive in some way. I have started meeting the parents as the children leave school and handing out the flyers right to them. I think it has been quite successful and I have had a few phone calls from that.
I have put posters with rip off phone numbers on all the bulletin boards in town but I don't think I have had any calls from them.

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