Thursday, September 17, 2009

The end of the first week

After the shakedown of the first week, I have gotten the kids sorted into groups according to what they are working on. The two boys who are actually in grade one but it is not coming easy for, I am slowing down on the "ready to read" program. I have told the parents that they will not start that program perhaps even until next fall. They were both fine with that.
For the kids in the ready to read program.
I have settled into a routine for some things, I start each day with the phonics song. I then review the letters in the fun family phonics book. We are up to letter "J" now. I let them hold Dave and the magnifying glass and find objects that start with the letters on each page.
I then move into a game of hiding the new words around the room. When they find the words they sit in a circle by my sentence strip board. They read the words and then get a marshmallow for each word then match them onto the sentence strip.
We then move to the table and are working on the alphabet worksheets then into the ready to read take home page.
I have done 2 pages so far. We haven't had time to do the fun family stories pages so next week I am going to fit in a review day and work on them. I feel I am rushing the kids a bit too much so we are going to slow down next week and fit in more games and review. I may think about sending home a note to the parents and tell them we may not be finished by June but I will wait awhile and see how it goes. The kids that are in grade 2 and 3 are having no trouble keeping up the pace of one "ready to read" page a day. The kids that are in grade 1 but have no background in FFP are finding this very fast.

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