Monday, September 21, 2009

Game review

I found that I only had time for one of the games today and I had too many pairs of card for the game. I turned over all the pairs of cards on the table and mixed them up. I had about 17 pairs and that was too many for the boys to remember where they had seen one that matched the one they turned over. I have taken out about 5 pairs and will try the game with the next group of kids tomorrow.
Most of the boys haven't been practicing the song at home so it is taking us a long time to get into the lesson as we are working on the sounds and shapes of the letters for so long. It is going to take a lot of repetition for some of these boys as it is not coming easy for them.
First Year Program:
I am taking my time with the kindergarten kids as well. We have spent 3 lessons on letter a and b. This Wed. we will still review b and then add the letter c. They are still having a difficult time hearing the beginning sound of words. I have been trying many different ways for them to see a picture and then try to tell me the beginning sound. Today I put one picture on my sentence board and then hid another picture that matches it around the room. They scrambled to find the card then as they matched them to the ones on the sentence strip they would get a minimarshmallow (if they could give me the beginning sound and the phrase ie bobby with is bag. etc.)
These picture are part of the supplies that came with Fun Family Phonics. I just bought 2 sets so that I can use them for games.

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